MINI Electric: why Autocar readers love it

AC PaulBeasleyMini

Paul Beasley’s MINI Electric in British Racing Green IV

There are lots of reasons to love the MINI Electric. So, we headed to our social channels to ask real MINI Electric owners to tell us their favourite features. Here’s what they said

More than 60 years after the first MINI rolled off the production line and launched an icon, it’s a car that continues to turn heads. Its timeless looks, cutting-edge in-car technology and classic-meets-contemporary design touches have powered by decades of passion, and the latest limited-run edition of the MINI Electric – the Resolute Edition – is no exception.

Having already spoken to three real MINI Electric owners – Misty, Iola and Monwar – who shared their favourite features with us, we decided to open the floor to users on our social channels, asking you to tell us what you love about your MINI Electric and what it’s like to live with. Here’s what you had to say.

Learn more about the MINI Electric Resolute Edition HERE or book a test drive HERE

Plenty of performance

Lots of you commented on your MINI Electric’s exhilarating performance, regularly returning to the responsive power delivery and MINI’s traditional go-kart-like handling, “It’s so smooth to drive and the instant acceleration and breaking is a lot of fun”, said Liz R.

Some of you were even able to compare your previous experience in petrol models. “My MINI Electric replaced a MINI Cooper S, so I had direct back-to-back experience of the electric and petrol versions. The MINI Electric drives just the same as the petrol one in terms of handling, with more immediate response at lower speeds,” said Paul Beasley.

Phil G suggested similar, commenting, “The biggest thing I enjoy with the MINI Electric over my previous petrol MINI is the change of weight distribution. It turns in extremely well.”

One of the wonderful things about electric cars is the instant performance and torque on tap wherever you are in the proverbial ‘rev range’, and – in this respect – the MINI Electric leads the charge. “I love how it drives. It’s planted and poky,” said Paul Beasley. Stephen PJ continued that sentiment: “I do love the power. It’s a rocket!”. 

With 181bhp and 199lb ft of torque, the MINI Electric plays the electrified hot-hatch role to perfection. Sprinting from 0-62mph takes just 7.3sec and paired with its lightweight 32kWh battery and power-to-weight ratio of greater than 130bhp per tonne (lighter than most of its class rivals) driving thrills are a given. “I bought my car for performance,” said Phil B. “Eco and saving don’t matter quite as much as acceleration and driving fun.”

But balance is about more than just straight-line speed and cornering finesse. An EV needs to provide everyday space and practicality in equal measure. To that, Stephen PJ commented: “The MINI Electric is a doddle to drive, to park and its reasonably practical. It’s fast, too. It’s so easy to live with!” Michael B echoed that opinion: “The MINI Electric is a great car: Easy to charge, nippy performance, ideal for zooming about. We have a red one!”

Many of you spoke of the pleasure of spending time in your MINI Electric. David Cooper said: “Great drive and great build quality. It makes me smile when I’m driving.” That’s a testament to the attention to detail in the MINI Electric. It’s a premium package, serving up luxurious materials and iconic styling details: most notably, the circular infotainment surround (a nod to the original MINI of the 60s). In the case of the Resolute Edition, it’s the Rebel Green paintwork, inspired by the Connaught Green used on the classic Austin 1100.

So noticeable is the fit and finish in fact, that a short test drive is enough to convince owners of the supreme interior quality: “I’ve just had a 48hr test drive in a MINI Electric, and the car was great,” said Martin G. “The build quality is what you would expect from BMW.”

Real-world range

When talking about how far you drive in your MINI Electric, one thing became clear: most of you have driven thousands of miles in your cars. The official range of the MINI Electric may be up to 143 miles but that’s just a guideline to push you further than you’ve been before, “I’ve had as high as 150 miles out of mine,”* said Steven R.

It also became clear (quite quickly) that the more time you spent in your MINI Electric, the faster you were able to find a rhythm for your routine. “For my daily rural commute of 50-70 miles it’s the best thing I’ve had,” said Phil G.

“I travel from Leeds to London quite often,” said Steve R. “I stop at Grantham for 45 minutes, have a walk and a coffee then onto the A14 stop at Cambridge services. A quick charge, then off into London. I love my Mini.” Alex Watson Jones followed that comment with an equally impressive journey: “I’ve taken mine all over the country, from South London to Devon, Yorkshire, to the North East and all the way to Perth in Scotland. It’s a great little car!”

But it’s Will R who comes across the line to take first with a journey to silence all others. “I drove my MINI Electric 550 miles to Scotland recently. It took 11hrs, but in my diesel it would still have taken 10.5hrs because I would have had to stop for lunch. I only spent maybe 30mins charging, and that was only because I was topping up some extra charge for another journey the next day.”

All proof, if ever it was needed, that the MINI Electric is not only capable of crossing the country, but it’s also a comfortable place to be when A to B are hundreds of miles apart.

All charged up

When asking you what you love most about your cars, we learnt a lot about your charging habits, and it turns out that living with a MINI Electric is the easiest way to understand how simple it is to stay topped up. “I tend to plug it in every time I get home, but I don’t really have to,” says Stephen PJ.

And Stephen is right. A convenient top-up overnight is a great way to stay in the green, but it isn’t strictly always necessary. With the average UK journey between 10-20 miles per day, the MINI Electric’s 143-mile range (WLTP) is easily enough to keep you running a week or more without plugging in.

While most MINI Electric owners will use home charging, some will go that extra mile to ensure they’re making the most of cleaner, greener energy. Liz R offered this useful piece of advice to those seeking alternative ways to top-up on your driveway: “Charging at home on a sunny day using solar panels makes perfect sense for me. It may not be easy for everyone but get one and you soon work out how best to charge it. There are plenty of options.”

When you do venture further afield, charging on the fly couldn’t be quicker (and simpler). As the MINI Electric has a compact 32kWh battery, it not only lends itself to better weight distribution and greater performance, it also helps to significantly reduce the time you’ll need to spend at public chargers, with 0-80% top-ups taking as little as 36 minutes.

That means less time charging and more time spent having fun enroute to your next destination. “The beauty of a MINI Electric is that by the time you have bought a coffee to go it’s fully charged and away you go. It’s fabulous,” says Robert W. Win, win.

So, whether you’re a cross-country tourer or a city slicker, a home charging champion or an on-the-go top-upper, it’s clear from your comments that the MINI Electric can go the distance, and keep a smile on your face from start to finish.

*The MINI Electric has an official range of up to 143 miles WLTP. Mileage may vary depending on conditions and load.

Source: Autocar

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